Tetbury Comic Con

October 15, 2023


Tetbury Comic Con

On Sunday, October 15 will be the second Tetbury 451 Cotswold Comic-con. If you love comics, or any adventure, Fantasy characters then come to the Tetbury Goods Shed Arts Centre,Tetbury, GL8 8EY. At the event will be writers, artists, cosplayers,and dealers of comics and related merchandise. 

For cosplayers a Comic-Con is a Beautiful world. It's wonderful. It's nice, feeling and sharing the love. So whether you're a young Wizard, a Princess, a Storm Trooper or even a Hero it's a  Nexus.It's more of a pop cultural festival,that really recaptures the thrill, excitement, and anticipation of a young Christmas morning. So your invited in costume or not, it will be fun, and did we say its FREE!

THE DOORS OPEN AT 10:30 GIVING VISITORS AND COSPLAYERS* Time to enjoy the event. AT 12 O'CLOCK WILL BETHE COSPLAYERS CATWALK! AT 2 O'CLOCK  Will be an interactive talk with Paul Cornell, Nathan Pegler and even a Dalek! This will be followed by the 451 Comic Book awards. Times are approximate. The event will close at 4:30. *Please register if you want to take part in the Cosplayers Catwalk with a Steward.

To find out more please Email comics451@icloud.com Or visit. comics451.co.uk You can always ring or text 077457116547